Kindergarten - 5th grade Daily Schedule
Gate opens at 7:40am
Monday to Thursday - 8:00am to 2:30pm
Friday Minimum Days - 8:00am to 12:15pm
Middle School - 6th, 7th & 8th Grades Daily Schedule
Gate opens at 8:00am
Monday to Thursday - 8:15am to 3:15pm
Friday Minimum Days - 8:15am to 12:30pm
The Falcon Parent Committee (FPC) has been developed to plan activities for our students while also reaching out to the surrounding area. Parent involvement and developing a strong parental presence is important to the school. It is TIA’s goal to continue to seek parent’s time and talent to ensure that we are involving all educational partners in the reality of the school and able to expand our school connections throughout the Temecula Valley. The FPC will strengthen the school’s ability to connect with local businesses, as they become more acquainted with our school community, we will be able to seek and discover the different ways our families can provide resources for TIA and become directly involved with school projects and activities.
Temecula International Academy encourages parents/guardians and interested members of the community to visit the charter school and view the educational program. To ensure the safety of the students and staff as well as to minimize interruption of the instructional program. TIA has established procedures, to facilitate volunteering and visitations during regular school days.
Temecula International Academy students wear uniforms to school Monday through Thursday. On Friday, for Jeans and STEAM Day on campus, students are allowed to wear blue jeans and a school polo.
Our TIA student uniforms are available in Maroon, Blue, or White Polo Tops. Blue and Khaki Jumpers for Elementary Girls and Khaki or Blue pants, skirts and shorts for older students.
27715 Jefferson Avenue, Ste. 102, Temecula, CA 92590 951- 296-5522
TIA participates in the National School Lunch Program and offers breakfast and lunch when students are on
campus. There is no charge to the families at this time.
Free and reduced priced meals are available to families who qualify. Please review the information below.
Beginning in School Year (SY) 2022–23, California will become the first state to implement a statewide Universal Meals Program for all school children. California’s Universal Meals Program is designed to build on the foundations of the federal National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP). There are three key pillars that have been established to ensure that the program is a success:
Do schools still need to collect free and reduced-price meal applications if all children are receiving free meals?
Yes, local education agencies participating in the NSLP and SBP will need to collect meal applications. All federal regulations still apply for the determination of eligibility for the NSLP and SBP. Meal counts submitted for reimbursement need to be claimed in accordance with the amount of free, reduced-price, and paid meals served.
Child care is offered daily on campus before and after school when school is in session. This service is only offered at the 39600 N. General Kearny (Nicolas Valley Elementary) site. Parents/guardians must have an active signed contract for students to enter child care.
Monday - Thursday
Morning care hours: 7:00am to 7:40am
After school hours: 2:45pm to 6pm
Morning care hours: 7:00am to 7:40am
Hours: 12:30pm until 6pm
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a complex federal law addressing the privacy of students’ educational records. This page provides a brief summary of some of FERPA’s key concepts and provides links to outside resources that may provide additional information. Interpretations of the FERPA law should not be made without legal counsel.